"Hey Jorge, thanks for calling. I have one more question I wanna ask. You mentioned that you were going to college this fall?"
"Well, if I get accepted, yeah."
"Umm, ok. We only hire people if they can stay for one year or more. By the time you go to college this fall, it'll be too soon, only six months."
"Oh... ok... So if I don't get accepted, then uh, can I call you back?"
"Yeah! We'll definitely have a place for you here if you want to call back, so don't worry. I'm sure that if you do go to college, other stores will gladly take you!"
A lot of things rested on whether or not college was my soon-to-be future. I was hoping that God would somehow plop me into an apartment in Chicago where I could study and hopefully be thrown into a future of vocational Ministry. After all, that's why I signed up for Bible School.
I was almost convinced that God wanted me to go to Moody, or at least something like it. In the last year things seemed to click together, guiding me to this decision. I thought God was going to let me go and "broaden my horizons" in this field. But I knew in my heart, deep down, that there was always a possibility of the college saying, "No." So I allowed room in my heart to accept that possibility. It's a good thing I did too...
A week after the Starbucks interview, I finally received a letter from the Moody Bible Institute. I put my finger in between the flap and the letter, and just before I tore it open, I stopped. Putting the letter on my lap and looking out my window, I prepared my self for what might be a great day, or a sad one. "God," I prayed, "I don't know what's in this letter, but what ever it is, please prepare my heart to accept what your desire is in all of this."
I didn't get accepted. I re-read it all just to take it in again. Now this is the part where the person starts asking "why?" They get to a certain point where their emotions pour out. But for some reason I was actually fine with it. I was fine with not going to Moody because God seemed to imply that there was another place that was more important for me to be. After I read it, I put it back on my lap and said, "Thank you God, for not letting me go to a place you didn't want me to be."
I put the letter to the side and continued with my day until I sat down for dinner.
"Hey mum, how was your day?"
"Ok. Work was heavy. You?"
"It was fine, I guess... Umm... Yeah, I got a letter today."
"Oh yeah? From who?"
Looking surprised, "Oh really? Did you read it?"
"Uhh yeah. I didn't get accepted."
I've had to break the news to a number of people, all of who were upset. But that's ok, because I'm at peace with it.
This is the beautiful part about having a relationship with God. Trusting God to help make life changing decisions will take the stress off your back. Your not really worried about big things, because you already know God has it under His control.
In the end things still turned out just fine. I got a new job at Starbucks (and I am not disappointed by any means!), I get to stay home with my family, I get to still see my friends, and I can still be part of my church.
So I didn't get accepted... That's ok. There's always next year right? Besides, It's not like I have to go now. I know some people who went to college in their 30's and they're doing just fine. I am not worried.
The God who formed the mountains with his finger tips, and holds the seven seas in the palms of his hands... Amazingly that God is my Father, and He will see me to the beautiful end. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. :)
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