There's always an opportunity to share Gods love. Even in the waking hours of the morning.
I was working at my job all night and I looked forward to getting home for some sleep. I stopped by the bank to deposit my check and filled up on gas and drove home. It was 6 AM, the butt-crack of dawn.
As usual, I always check my Facebook just before I go to bed. Ironically, there just happened to be my friend from around the world who conveniently began chatting with me.
She began with, "How are you doing?" along with other general ice breakers. With that, she began asking questions about my faith and about my stance on certain issues. Now let me explain something here. I'm tired, and I really want to go to bed. After lifting boxes all night, my bed was feeling really comfortable. But I realized that I was being extremely selfish. This was a golden opportunity! This person wants to know stuff about God, and I have answers! The only thing holding me back from showing her Gods love were my selfish sleepy desires.
So as tired as I was, I happily answered her many questions. Was I exhausted? You bet. But did I enjoy it? Absolutely. I slept happily that morning. :)
There is a joy that I get when I am involved in Ministry. I just need a different job so that I can be more free to get into it. Ha!
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