When the topic of service pops up in conversation, I'll sometimes look around to see if there is a lack of ambition in the eyes of people. Sometimes I notice it more than I wish to. I think to myself, "They're missing out on so many opportunities to grow! Why does serving make people uneasy? Why do people skirt off the topic when they are asked to serve?" This is something that kind of baffles me. I'm sure it's more than just laziness... There's a deeper reason, but I just don't know it yet.
As my Pastor said, people like doing the 'cool sexy thing' when it comes to serving. People like doing the cool thing, and I suppose I don't blame them. People, if they chose to volunteer, generally want to be part of huge events and be noticed for volunteering. I think that's a given, but it seems like that's the only reason some serve. We all like pats on the back, especially if it's work that looks good and produces eye candy.
The average volunteer doesn't want to get dirty on their knees, weeding out a yard with their bare hands by themselves. People generally don't want hard, laborious work that tires the muscles, especially if they're by themselves.
Maybe it all comes down to a person's fleshly desires. On one hand the volunteer can serve in a neat project where people will give them props and they'll feel good because they're part of the 'cool sleek thing.' On the other hand, the volunteer can go into a home to provide for a less fortunate old woman who does nothing but nag and complain about life's unfair and disproportionate values. The volunteer has two extreme options here, and I guarantee that if they analyze both options, they will begin to lean towards the more pleasurable opportunity. What a tragedy that many feel this way! There needs to be a shift, a change in priorities!
I don't recall Jesus being a volunteer on any amazing projects, like repairing the Temple or anything like that. Maybe he did stuff like that, but the Bible doesn't point that out. On the contrary, it talks about Jesus helping the needy and poor, the down trodden and beaten. If Jesus was indeed involved in cool projects, the writers of the Gospels chose not to include that. They saw something more important, more insightful than Jesus doing the 'cool new sexy thing.' They pointed out through many stories that Jesus was involved with one-on-one encounters when serving people. He did a lot of hard dirty work. As far as Jesus and serving goes in the Bible, one of the biggest things they point to is the fact that he was incredibly humble. Jesus the King was most of all a humble servant.
That's the kind of attitude I want to have. I want to serve out of Love and Joy. People could do incredible things if they didn't really care about getting any credit for it. If a person serves and get's credit, good for them. If a person serves without getting even an ounce of credit, then I would say that they are even more blessed. I encourage everyone to follow Jesus's example. Let's serve in all ways, and not expect any credit. He got on his knees and washed the feet of his freinds. He served with humility. let's do likewise.