It must be rather amazing right? The first 5 minutes after death has got to be something so marvelous that nothing in our world can possibly come close to comparing.
An officer was describing the accomplishments he made during his life time career. The old man described skirmishes, battles, sieges, personal encounters, hairbreadth escapes, victories, and the anxieties and hope given to a man who was entrusted to command an army. People loved hearing his stories, and they often kept asking for more. Near the end of his stories, he would say, "I expect to see something much more remarkable than anything I have been describing." People did not usually catch his meaning, so he would give a bit more detail by saying, "I mean the first five minutes after death."
Henry Parry Liddon said it best... "'The first five minutes after death!' Surely the expression is worth remembering. This is a solemn thought for any man who has ever lived. Now let's employ for the moment when we are speaking of eternal standards of measurement which belong to time. It is at least conceivable that after a lapse of some thousands or tens of thousands of years, we will probably lose all sense of any succession of events; that existance will come to seem to be a never-ending present; an unbegun and unending now. I think it's conceivable that this is possible. But an even more starteling thought! Let's suppose that at the moment of our entrance on that new and wonderful world we will already think and feel as if we had always been there, or had at least been there for ages."
I think it's interesting, don't you?
Of course, you and I know that not every body gets into that "oh so wonderful world." For those who don't make it, there is another place for them. Let me just say this, The Bible never mentions a purgatory. I know a lot of Catholics disagree, but if you honestly believe that the Bible is the authentic word of God, then I suggest you please trust it, rather than the thoughts of men.
Oh yeah, and there's that 'other' place to consider as well. The place of eternal torment. I'll write a blog soon on why it makes sense for people to suffer this way. (Sounds crazy doesn't it?!) Don't worry, It'll make sense in the next blog.
If you want to know how to get to this wonderful place, then here's a link. Just click HERE. I know most of you will probably not read it, but the page will provide a ton of answered questions on the bottom if you are interested. Don't let the first 5 minutes after death be one of regret.
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